This is my attempt to do the blog thing. I have all this stuff in my head, and this sounds like a good place to let it out. Lets just see how often I can keep it updated. LOL Anyway...
Christmas is just around the corner. 11 days I think. When the kids come over, we have been creating some Bible studies that deal with Christmas and Christ. Trying to teach them the importance of keeping Christ in Christmas. They seem to enjoy the time together. Its especially nice that we can talk about the Bible as a family.
We finally wrapped the last present today. Ohh my... we went way over budget. Joe was the last one for us to shop for. Dana didn't like what they had at the WM when we first did our shopping. We went again last night, and found some things that we think he would like now.
It's always hard to figure out what to get people. Especially when we went over budget. I just feel bad that I'm leaving someone out or that they will get there feelings hurt. For those people we couldn't afford actual gifts, we decided to make Peanut Butter Cookies with kisses and chocolate covered pretzels. We bought some big tin cans with a Christmas decor to put them in. Can you go wrong with that??? I hope not. I didn't mean to leave anyone out, and next year,.... I'll try to keep to the budget better. It's just that now that the boys come over often, and even Kaity has been coming over now (yeah!), we had a total of 5 kids to get gifts for. Wow... I could never imagine that I would be getting gifts for 5 kids...lol. It's nice that we are able to though.
We even bought my mom and dad as well as Dana's mom a present this year. Andy and Laura were able to help chip in to get grams and gramps a 1 year memebership to the Liberty Memorial. I hope that they enjoy it. They have a new WWI museum that just opened. I think they will like it.
What else? Well... Joe was baptized on November 16th. That was a great feeling, and Pastor Trost did an excellent job. I have never seen a baptism like he had done. Joe is 6, so pastor sat next to Joe and explained to him in Joe's terms what baptism means. It was really nice. Mom and Dad, grams and gramps and Andy and Bethany were able to make it too. That meant a lot!