Everyone has that someone special that they look up-to in life. Someone that gives them that extra energy in life to make even the most miserable situations seem petty. If you haven't had that person in your life, then I can't even begin to describe what joy you are missing. I must say that my parents are obviously the ones that raised and reared me, and made me whom I am. I can't say enough good things about all the advise and love they have shown me throughout my years. But outside of my immediate family I choose my Grandfather Robert as my biggest mentor.
At 80 years young, he has more sincerity and blessings to share than anyone I know of. As far back as I can remember the act he has played as a role model is more than I can explain. He was born at the onset of the great depression and the strife his family must have experienced can only be unimaginable. He did his time serving his country, and continued his time as being the 15th hired employee of the then, Bendix Corporation located in Kansas City, Missouri.
Throughout all his years, and to this day, he keeps a strong bond with the Lord. He attempts to walk daily to keep his strength, and I believe that every day he is able to do his walk, he is truly walking right beside the Lord, talking with Him as if he is his Lord's best friend; sharing the things that make him happy, as well as the troubles he knows his friends and family are experiencing. His blessings are evident in all that he does, and there's not a day that goes by where he isn't thankful it's not his last. This is a wonderful thing, as he uses his strength and knowledge of all the wonderful things the Lord is capable of in his every day witnessing.
Grandpa isn't the type of individual that keeps quiet when things aren't what they ought to be. He can somehow treat every situation that comes his way as an opportunity to witness; somehow, in someway, to someone. I can't even begin to imagine how many lives my grandfather has touched in a positive way of some sort. So this is in honor of my Grandfather. The Lord has truly blessed you and it's evident in all you do!
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