Monday, October 20, 2008

The Bean is Back...

Rightfully so, since my previous post on Autumn, it's appropriate to bring the Bean back into my daily ritual. This post is purely trivial and has nothing to do with my worldly initiative on preservation and conservation of the human race.

I drink coffee year round, but I don't get SERIOUS about it until Autumn. There is something about the crisp cool air of an Autumn or Winter morning that makes a good cup of coffee a necessity. People either love coffee or hate it. Personally I have NO earthly clue why I, or anyone else for that matter, would love the taste of coffee. If I were to try and explain its taste to someone, the only thing I could come close to analogize it against is Roasted Dirt. Yummy.

It's amazing that coffee doesn't harm us. Just to name a few, it's chock full of Caffeine, Calcium, Betaine, Chlorogenic Acid, Liverine, Magnesium, Chline, Dicaffeylqunic Acid, Methliberine, Phosphate, Niacin, Paraxanthine, Potassium Sulphate, Trigoneline, Theobromine, Theopyline, Diterpene esters, Acetic, Arbinose, Linoleate, Dietepenes, C3-C10, Fructose, Kahweol, Galactose, Glucose, Insoitol, Mannitol, Mannose, Xylose, Nonacosane 5-hydroxtryptamides, Phosopholipids, Tocopherols, Tryiglycerides, and Triterpene just to name a few.

Take all of that, grind it up, and you have a great cup o-Joe. The following lists a few facts about coffee:

  • 53 Countries grow coffee
  • An acre of coffee trees can produce 10,000 lbs. of coffee beans.
  • The percolator was invented in 1827.
  • No coffee is grown in the contiguous states of the United States.
  • Coffee was roasted in a frying pan up until the late 1800's.
  • Brazil in the world's largest producer.
  • Over 2000 ships transport beans each year.
  • October 1st is the official Coffee Day in Japan.

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