Yep -it's that time of the year again. KUDL is already playing Christmas music, and the shopping centers have had the Christmas Trees on display now for over a month! Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away, and that's when I know it's time to stay away from the store's mad rush of holiday shoppers!!!
As most know Thanksgiving and Christmas are my favorite times of the year. It seems that as soon as Thanksgiving and Christmas come and go, I can't wait for them to come again. I think I'm so fond of these Holidays because of the tradition and upbringing my parents and Grandparents instilled. For most, unfortunately, Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are more of a 'have-to-do' holiday, than a sacred holiday. As soon as some people hear the Christmas music on KUDL, they feel the anxiety of the holiday rush. I, rather, feel the love and greatest gift that anyone could ever want. The gift that God gave us that Christmas morning; not so long ago. For that,… we have much to be Thankful for!
Thanksgiving couldn't come at a better time; with Christmas following. Last year around this time I came up with a short Christmas lesson for my kids to get them in the Spirit. The very first question I presented to them was, "What kind of things do you think of first when you hear the word 'Christmas'?". They all paused for a moment, with the older kids realizing that this might be a 'trick' question. The younger kids were about to spout off the latest X-BOX game when one of the older kids shouted, "Jesus!" Then the younger kids followed suit mentioning things like the manger, Joseph and Mary, and other items as such. As far as I was concerned, the question didn't have a right or wrong answer. My point wasn't to catch them saying something wrong, but rather keep the true meaning in their minds. Obviously kids will associate gifts with Christmas, but it's our job to keep the truth with them. Without subtle reminders like the one above, it may become very easy for them to fall in the 'have-to-do' Christmas Spirit when they get older.
So my whole point? This is my subtle reminder that Thanksgiving and Christmas go hand-in-hand, so we might not succumb to the mad holiday rush. Now is the time to give thanks, and keep the true meaning of Christmas close to our hearts. Advent is the time to prepare for the celebration of the coming. Prepare your hearts and remember what is true. We should treat every day of our lives as if Thanksgiving and Christmas were in the midst. We have too much to be thankful for. The fact that you are reading this page means you are alive and well; be thankful for it! My only request from you is that you take a moment today or tonight to pray for this Holiday season. Thank Him for all you have, and for what we have yet to be given. Thank Him for your problems, as problems are our way of learning how to deal with tough times. Thank Him for your children, as they are our heirs and mirrors of who we are in life. Pray that we don't succumb ourselves to the mad holiday rush. And most of all, thank him for our Savior and that he stays close to our heart,…the reason we celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas!
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